Monday, 30 January 2017

Under The Big Top

The theme for March's train is Under The Big Top, a fun theme, think clowns games and animals. As always you can add shades of black and white to the pallet.
You can make anything you like in full or tagger size but please be sure to let your visitors know what size your item is and that it contains a minimum of 5 items (posers may be 3 minimum). If creating a paper pack please be sure it is for Commercial Use. If you're taking part be sure to upload your preview to the photo area of the group and fill out the database by the 28th of  January. Not to be Posted before the 1st of  March. If you will not be around to post your part of the train please use the post Scheduler.
 Full train instructions can be found here If you would like to hop aboard please join
 We would love to have you! can find instructions on how to use the scheduler here just follow steps 1-4 Blog train goes live on the 1st of each month, we look forward to seeing you!

HugsPink xx

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